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The name said most of it so I'll jump into details:


  • The main char shall be a captain of a starship.
  • 'Towns' are now starbase and/or inhabitated planets
  • The world map is the galaxy and the dungeons are the nebulas or distant spaces chained by wormholes.

Leveling and character stats

For character stat, I guess Stamina (for long fight), Charisma, Intelligence and maybe Perception should be it. For leveling: I prefer exp being pooled directly into skills, and the higher the skill the higher the exp needed to increase it (see skill section for details)


The character should be allowed to have a high variety amount of skills, depending on which direction he want to be. A short list might be: Gunnery, Leadership, Mechanical Engineering, Recon, Research, Manufacturing, etc.

The ship

This is the most fun part of the game, since the PC cannot appply his skill if there's no equipment using it onboard. A gunship would you Gunnery, the larger the ship the higher the Leadership should be, the higher the Mech Eng., the better power generator might be placed etc...

Ship fitting

I guess a combination of size-based and slot-based should be nice. First, everything on the ships should be confinable into the ships based on size, except for external equipments.

Second, every items on the ship would eat up energy power and man power on its on (exception: power generators doesnt eat up power but fuel) External equiments (gun mostly) use energy power and man power only when activated. each ship has an limited amout of 'slot' you could mount guns on, though.

Power storage

Extra power generated by power generator (if any) get stored to some extend, depending on you batteries size. Those power then could be used when more power then the power output need to be used (in battles and in warps mostly)

Ships upgrade

  1. Buy a whole new whip
  2. Find/buy parts then put them together.

Parts accumulation

  1. Buy/loot them
  2. Find/buy Blueprints then manufacturing them self

Manufacturing process

  1. Mine ores/loot
  2. Refine ore/scrap parts for construction material
  3. Find/buy blueprint for parts
  4. Construct the part based on the blue print.


I'm not quite sure about the control, since space ships can do manything at once. In my opinion, allowing the player doing multiple action in one turn is fine, as long as those are different. Apparently,

I guess those actions could be done in one turn:

  1. Move
  2. Fire/Activate,deactivate weapon
  3. Fire/Activate,deactivate other weapon(s) (maybe fire to another locked target(s) with confirm)
  4. Activate a special equipment (like cloaking, deploying interceptor, activate shield drain etc)
  5. Lock onto an another target.

That's it for now, comments are welcome.

Lorenzo Gatti

If sometimes you are a person in a starbase and sometimes you are a starship in outer space you have a chimera of two quite different games. Maybe you can restrict the character to being a starship at all times; the interaction between a ship and a space station doesn't need a lower abstraction level.

A large ship, with an adequate staff and adequate computers, must use everything every turn to be credible; firepower can be limited by available power and by cooldown and reloading pauses, not by control capabilities.

I would go through available weapons every turn and ask what to do with each (select a target and fire the weapon or pass), while continuous use global systems like cloaking or shields can have a pair of specific commands to turn them on and off.


Interesting. Here's an idea, many rogue-likes have pets. Why not have robots or androids that serve various functions? Let's say you find 4 tons of armor material, you're not going to throw that into your back pocket. But if you have a heavy lifting robot, you could task it pick up the goods, carry them back to the ship, and return to you. Perhaps you can 'program' robots with certain behaviors. For example, if you fall in combat, your robot(s) will try to pick up your body and carry it back to the ship's auto-doc for repair. Control over a humber of robots can lead to some interesting puzzle solving. Recon, repair, combat, lifting, medical, engineering, etc. there are a lot of specializations that you could do with robots to flesh out your character's crew/landing party.

R. Dan Henry

If one wanted to make the game ship-centric, the PC could be a human (or other organic) brain wired in to control the ship (living "computer") in a world where AI is highly limited (convenient excuse: AIs actually do rebel as frequently as bad sci-fi would have us believe, so nobody dares use it). Then activities outside the ship could be handled by robots with simple computer brains that can follow basic instructions (with some interpretational ability, but not capable of independent operation outside of their instructions). This would eliminate most concerns about "crew", as you wouldn't need one -- the ship-mind would run the ship and externals would be up to various drones. This would also mean you could explore hostile environments with fewer worries, so a "gas giant" adventure would be quite doable.

the ru

Perhaps the tasks the ship can perform should be decided by what crew it has (rather than what skills the commander has). If you bring 20 scientists aboard, exploring and documenting the universe is a lot faster and gives more accurate results, if you bring more mechanics or engineers, it will take less time to repair the ship after a battle (providing you have the needed spare parts), etc.

Each crew member could even have its own set of attributes, and to get the total level of a skill for the ship, the level of that skill for all members would be summed.