
From RogueBasin
Revision as of 13:19, 10 March 2006 by Crypt (talk | contribs)
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CryptRL is a Java 1.5 roguelike with sound and graphics, which uses the David Gervais tileset as well as the RLTiles library.

It's bilingual (english/french) and allows you to switch language ingame.

Its main influences are NetHack/Slash'Em (for the interaction) and ADOM (for the wilderness)

Latest version of CryptRL is playable, altough magic and magic items are not yet implemented.

Version 0.4xx includes tools(picking tools, picks, shovels, lanterns, oil flasks, etc), monsters, potions, weapons, armors, traps, chests, stats & skills, night/day cycles, teleporters, automap, parrying, etc.

Some maps are pregenerated, others are random.

Final version will contains thematic random generators for dungeons and terrain (for instance a random room could be a laboratory, etc), NPCs, towns, quests, spells, etc. (and maybe random quests...)

Current version issue : if you switch language ingame you should empty your inventory before.

Shortcuts :

Alt l = switch english/français

789 4 6 123 = movements

789 456 123 = direction action

c = close / fermer

o = open / ouvrir

, = get / prendre

d = drop / deposer

space = pass turn / passer son tour

w = equip weapon / equiper arme

W = put on armor / equiper armure

x = release weapon / lacher arme

T = take off armor / enleve armure

a = apply / utiliser

+ = increase parry / augmenter parade

- = decrease parry / diminuer parade

k = kick / coup de pied

f = fire,throw / tirer,lancer

q = quaff / boire

e = eat / manger

l = loot / fouiller un contenant (coffre, sac, mobilier, etc)

> = down / descendre

< = up / monter

s = search / chercher

r = read / lire

Alt u = trap, untrap / activer/desactiver piege

S = save / sauvegarder partie

L = load / charger partie

? = shortcuts / raccourcis

";" = look / regarder/obtenir des informations sur quelque chose(case adjacente)

A = activate / activer (levier, teleporteur, etc)


) = LOS off / desactiver LOS

"=" = LOS on / activer LOS

i = increase night vision / augmente vue nocturne

u = decrease night vision / diminue vue nocturne

j = day / jour

n = night / nuit

Alt ? = god mode



CryptRL requires Sun JAVA 1.5

