RogueBasin talk:Community Portal

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Issues with citations

I tried to clean up some manual references by replacing them with reference tags but the new tags didn't work. Looking up the issue has given me the impression that the extension is not active. These tags show up in the help interface but are not actually available. --HexDecimal (talk) 03:02, 20 June 2021 (UTC)

I just activated the extension, please let me know how it works --Slash (talk) 13:40, 21 June 2021 (UTC)
It works. I've switched Comparative study of field of view algorithms for 2D grid based worlds to use references. --HexDecimal (talk) 16:41, 21 June 2021 (UTC)

Articles unnecessarily protected.

Several pages are marked as protected and it's unclear why. You can see them here. There no specified reason, I couldn't find any indications of abuse, and some of the discussions concluded that the protection was accidental and that admins weren't able to get around to resolving them at the time.[1] It's obvious why Main Page and Featured roguelike‎ would be protected, but I think protections should be removed from all other pages unless a reason can be given. --HexDecimal (talk) 07:26, 22 June 2021 (UTC)

It seems most of these came from a rgrd thing where people would agree to share their articles in roguebasin but specified they didn't want edits. I will dig into it and put the real cause if that's the case. --Slash (talk) 16:19, 22 June 2021 (UTC)