Umbrarum Regnum

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Revision as of 19:49, 23 November 2009 by Dominikmarczuk (talk | contribs)
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Umbrarum Regnum
Talkie-Talkie Project
Developer Mingos
Theme Fantasy
Influences ADoM, Betrayal at Krondor, The Witcher, Neverwinter Nights
Licensing Whiskyware
P. Language C++
Platforms Linux, Windows
Interface True Colour custom ASCII set
Game Length unknown
Official site of Umbrarum Regnum

Umbrarum Regnum is an overambitious project, probably bound to be vapourware. It initially was supposed to feature a complicated magick system, detailed and realistic combat, political and commercial interactions between different kingdoms, etc. At the moment, none of this is implemented yet.

The project has been on hold for quite some time. It will be resumed at some point after the release of Umbra.