Dungeon builder written in Python
Dungeon builder written in Python by Steve Wallace
First I'd like to say that my main experience with writing any sort of script has been with Flash actionscript, and having exceeded the boundaries of Flash's capabilities I decided to learn a language with more potential. I started learning Python just a few days ago, so my appologies if my code isn't elegant. I have tried to make it as straightforward and easy to follow as possible.
Next, my os is Windows, you will notice I have used the NumPy module, which is an array specific module for windows. Python has no (decent) native array support under Windows, so anyone using a different os will probably want to impliment their preffered array methods. Apart from that the following can be run on any os that supports Python.
dMap class
This is a fairly flexible class that will build a dungeon level. It is configurable to produce a wide variety of dungeon types, from small networks of rooms to huge mazes, and with a little modification it can easily be extended to incorporate your own features too.
As it stands it produces 2 different room types, the basic room and the corridor, and 4 types of joins, open wall, closed door, open door and secret door.
dMap has 3 attributes:
1. mapArr[y][x] - this is the main array that stores the map data, being values from 0 to 5 (0-walkable floor, 1-blank/undiscovered, 2-wall, 3-open door, 4-closed door, 5-secret door)
2. roomList[n] - this is a list of every room (inc. corridors) and roomList[n] will be a list in the form of [y size of room, x size of room, x coord, y coord] ie a value of [4,5,2,6] will be a room 5 across and 4 down with its top left floor tile at coord 2,6. This shouldn't be edited as any changes made after its created will NOT reflect on the map, its purely a reference to the floor area of the map.
3.cList[n] - this is similar to roomList, but it purely contains the corridors only and is used for connecting corridors. Its value will be in the format [ref. no to roomList, start x coord, start y coord, direction it travels]. The reference number will give the index to its entry in roomList, x and y start coords will be the coordinate where the corridor actually starts (NOTE this may not be the same as its x and y pos) and direction travelled is a number from 0 to 3 (0-north, 1-east, 2-south,3-west). cList is purely a set of hints supplied to the joinCorridor() function, although it could be used to generate a list of only corridors for use in monster/item/etc placement. Alternatively its ref no could be used to exclude it from roomList to generate a list of rooms only. As with roomList, do not edit after its creation.
dMap has 1 main method that is used to create a map:
xsize- x size of the map area
ysize- y size of the map area
fail- a value from 1 upwards. The higer the value of fail, the greater the chance of larger dungeons being created. A low value (>10) tends to produce only a few rooms, a high value (<50) raises the chance that the whole map area will be used to create rooms (up to the value of mrooms - see below)
b1- corridor bias. This is a value from 0 to 100 and represents the %chance a feature will be a corridor instead of a room. A value of 0 will produce rooms only, a value of 100 will produce corridors only
mrooms- maximum number of rooms to create. This, combined with fail, can be used to create a specific number of rooms
The above will make a map of maximum size 50 x 50, a low (10) chance of making new rooms with a 50% chance new rooms will be corridors, and a maximum of 20 rooms.
somevariable=somename.mapArr[y][x] will give you access to the actual map, where x and y are the coordinates, and the value of somevariable will be from 0 to 5 as detailed above in mapArr.
Well I hope this all makes sence, and once again sorry if the code is kinda ugly, like I said I only started learning Python a few days ago (and this is my second attempt at writing a map algorithm). However, feel free to use and modify the code to suit your needs.
# Class to produce random map layouts from numpy import * from random import * from math import * class dMap: def __init__(self): self.roomList=[] self.cList=[] def makeMap(self,xsize,ysize,fail,b1,mrooms): """Generate random layout of rooms, corridors and other features""" #makeMap can be modified to accept arguments for values of failed, and percentile of features. #Create first room self.mapArr=ones((ysize,xsize)) w,l,t=self.makeRoom() while len(self.roomList)==0: y=randrange(ysize-1-l)+1 x=randrange(xsize-1-w)+1 p=self.placeRoom(l,w,x,y,xsize,ysize,6,0) failed=0 while failed<fail: #The lower the value that failed< , the smaller the dungeon chooseRoom=randrange(len(self.roomList)) ex,ey,ex2,ey2,et=self.makeExit(chooseRoom) feature=randrange(100) if feature<b1: #Begin feature choosing (more features to be added here) w,l,t=self.makeCorridor() else: w,l,t=self.makeRoom() roomDone=self.placeRoom(l,w,ex2,ey2,xsize,ysize,t,et) if roomDone==0: #If placement failed increase possibility map is full failed+=1 elif roomDone==2: #Possiblilty of linking rooms if self.mapArr[ey2][ex2]==0: if randrange(100)<7: self.makePortal(ex,ey) failed+=1 else: #Otherwise, link up the 2 rooms self.makePortal(ex,ey) failed=0 if t<5: tc=[len(self.roomList)-1,ex2,ey2,t] self.cList.append(tc) self.joinCorridor(len(self.roomList)-1,ex2,ey2,t,50) if len(self.roomList)==mrooms: failed=fail self.finalJoins() def makeRoom(self): """Randomly produce room size""" rtype=5 rwide=randrange(8)+3 rlong=randrange(8)+3 return rwide,rlong,rtype def makeCorridor(self): """Randomly produce corridor length and heading""" clength=randrange(18)+3 heading=randrange(4) if heading==0: #North wd=1 lg=-clength elif heading==1: #East wd=clength lg=1 elif heading==2: #South wd=1 lg=clength elif heading==3: #West wd=-clength lg=1 return wd,lg,heading def placeRoom(self,ll,ww,xposs,yposs,xsize,ysize,rty,ext): """Place feature if enough space and return canPlace as true or false""" #Arrange for heading xpos=xposs ypos=yposs if ll<0: ypos+=ll+1 ll=abs(ll) if ww<0: xpos+=ww+1 ww=abs(ww) #Make offset if type is room if rty==5: if ext==0 or ext==2: offset=randrange(ww) xpos-=offset else: offset=randrange(ll) ypos-=offset #Then check if there is space canPlace=1 if ww+xpos+1>xsize-1 or ll+ypos+1>ysize: canPlace=0 return canPlace elif xpos<1 or ypos<1: canPlace=0 return canPlace else: for j in range(ll): for k in range(ww): if self.mapArr[(ypos)+j][(xpos)+k]!=1: canPlace=2 #If there is space, add to list of rooms if canPlace==1: temp=[ll,ww,xpos,ypos] self.roomList.append(temp) for j in range(ll+2): #Then build walls for k in range(ww+2): self.mapArr[(ypos-1)+j][(xpos-1)+k]=2 for j in range(ll): #Then build floor for k in range(ww): self.mapArr[ypos+j][xpos+k]=0 return canPlace #Return whether placed is true/false def makeExit(self,rn): """Pick random wall and random point along that wall""" room=self.roomList[rn] while True: rw=randrange(4) if rw==0: #North wall rx=randrange(room[1])+room[2] ry=room[3]-1 rx2=rx ry2=ry-1 elif rw==1: #East wall ry=randrange(room[0])+room[3] rx=room[2]+room[1] rx2=rx+1 ry2=ry elif rw==2: #South wall rx=randrange(room[1])+room[2] ry=room[3]+room[0] rx2=rx ry2=ry+1 elif rw==3: #West wall ry=randrange(room[0])+room[3] rx=room[2]-1 rx2=rx-1 ry2=ry if self.mapArr[ry][rx]==2: #If space is a wall, exit break return rx,ry,rx2,ry2,rw def makePortal(self,px,py): """Create doors in walls""" ptype=randrange(100) if ptype>90: #Secret door self.mapArr[py][px]=5 return elif ptype>75: #Closed door self.mapArr[py][px]=4 return elif ptype>40: #Open door self.mapArr[py][px]=3 return else: #Hole in the wall self.mapArr[py][px]=0 def joinCorridor(self,cno,xp,yp,ed,psb): """Check corridor endpoint and make an exit if it links to another room""" cArea=self.roomList[cno] if xp!=cArea[2] or yp!=cArea[3]: #Find the corridor endpoint endx=xp-(cArea[1]-1) endy=yp-(cArea[0]-1) else: endx=xp+(cArea[1]-1) endy=yp+(cArea[0]-1) checkExit=[] if ed==0: #North corridor if endx>1: coords=[endx-2,endy,endx-1,endy] checkExit.append(coords) if endy>1: coords=[endx,endy-2,endx,endy-1] checkExit.append(coords) if endx<78: coords=[endx+2,endy,endx+1,endy] checkExit.append(coords) elif ed==1: #East corridor if endy>1: coords=[endx,endy-2,endx,endy-1] checkExit.append(coords) if endx<78: coords=[endx+2,endy,endx+1,endy] checkExit.append(coords) if endy<38: coords=[endx,endy+2,endx,endy+1] checkExit.append(coords) elif ed==2: #South corridor if endx<78: coords=[endx+2,endy,endx+1,endy] checkExit.append(coords) if endy<38: coords=[endx,endy+2,endx,endy+1] checkExit.append(coords) if endx>1: coords=[endx-2,endy,endx-1,endy] checkExit.append(coords) elif ed==3: #West corridor if endx>1: coords=[endx-2,endy,endx-1,endy] checkExit.append(coords) if endy>1: coords=[endx,endy-2,endx,endy-1] checkExit.append(coords) if endy<38: coords=[endx,endy+2,endx,endy+1] checkExit.append(coords) for xxx,yyy,xxx1,yyy1 in checkExit: #Loop through possible exits if self.mapArr[yyy][xxx]==0: #If joins to a room if randrange(100)<psb: #Possibility of linking rooms self.makePortal(xxx1,yyy1) def finalJoins(self): """Final stage, loops through all the corridors to see if any can be joined to other rooms""" for x in self.cList: self.joinCorridor(x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3],10)
Not to make this page any longer example outputs are placed here: Dungeon builder written in Python/Examples.
I fixed some bugs and wrote a simple script to show how maps look like (only shows walls (#), doors (=) and floor (.)) Although I'm still trying to figure out the script, but from my tests every map size below 80x40 can cause endless loops! --MilesTeg 00:08, 28 May 2009 (CEST)
from dMap import * startx=80 starty=40 somename= dMap() somename.makeMap(startx,starty,110,50,60) for y in range(starty): line = "" for x in range(startx): if somename.mapArr[y][x]==0: line += "." if somename.mapArr[y][x]==1: line += " " if somename.mapArr[y][x]==2: line += "#" if somename.mapArr[y][x]==3 or somename.mapArr[y][x]==4 or somename.mapArr[y][x]==5: line += "=" print line