Urban Warfare: The Escape

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Urban Warfare: The Escape
Developer Timofei Shatrov
Theme stealth, coffee break
Influences Commandos
Released 2007/03/19
Updated 2007/04/20
Licensing BSD
P. Language Common Lisp
Platforms Windows, Linux
Interface ASCII
Game Length short
Official site of Urban Warfare: The Escape

Urban Warfare: The Escape is a seven day roguelike, created in March, 2007. The current version is 0.8.


The game features innovative... well a lot of innovative stuff, including a huge randomly generated city, possibility to move in any direction and stealth-oriented gameplay.

How to compile

If you want to compile this game on Linux (and perhaps, save others the trouble), do the following.

You need:

  1. CLISP (http://clisp.cons.org) - probably you can get it with apt-get or something like that. You need CLISP 0.38 or later.
  2. ASDF: save this file somewhere: http://cclan.cvs.sourceforge.net/*checkout*/cclan/asdf/asdf.lisp
  3. CFFI: http://common-lisp.net/project/cffi/
  4. MD5: http://www.cliki.net/CL-MD5
  5. TRIVIAL-GRAY-STREAMS: http://www.cliki.net/trivial-gray-streams

Edit ~/.clisprc to include these commands:

(load "/path/to/asdf.lisp")
(push "~/lisp/" asdf:*central-registry*)

Go to ~/lisp and make a symbolic link to every lib, for example

ln -s ~/lisp/cffi/cffi.asd cffi.asd

for CFFI. Alternatively install ASDF-INSTALL, and use it to install all libraries. It's not a rocket science. Also, add symbolic link to uwar.asd in the same way.

Then, start clisp


And enter these commands:

(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :uwar)
(ext:cd "/path/to/uwar/")

It should produce a file called "uwar.exe". Rename this file appropriately for your operating system. The directory should also contain "controls.cfg".