A rougelike created for the DS by "OutOfRange" (BLOG). Created using PAlib and C++, you create and take control of a hero, who is given the quest of retreiving a holy artifact that lies at the top of the tower. The problem is that the artifact was so well hidden away, no one has been able to survive the trip to obtain it. However, you will succeed where others have failed, since you're the hero!
Source: Original Forum Topic
Development of the game started on 20th September 2007. The game is currently a work in progress, but has a number of features already integrated, such as;
- Character creation - Name, Class and Stats
- 'Fog Of War’ is fully integrated
- Story Mode and unlimited "DungeonS" mode
- Random dungeon generation
- Monsters with basic AI
- Attacking and defending
- Leveling up
- Picking up items
- Using, examining, and droping items
- Teleporters
The story mode features a set of pre-defined dungeons, which you need to battle your way through to the top, whereas "DungeonS" mode are created at random, and to progress you need to kill all the monsters on the level.
- Move with the D-Pad
- Move into an object to perform an appropriate action on it
- Touch "Inventory" or press "L" to access the inventory
- Other in game controls are shown at the bottom line of the bottom screen when needed
Please leave any feedback you have on my development blog