Doryen library:Reviews
Review of the Doryen library by PaulBlay
Usage background
Preferred IDE : Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition
Preferred Platform : Windows XP
Other requirements sought : Unicode support / Works with SQLite
Experience with Doryen library
libtcod (aka the Doryen library) is dependent on SDL dlls being made available to the project. The instructions are available online and are relatively clear. I had some trouble because the subsystem in linker settings must be set to "Not set" or "Console" while I had it at "Windows". No compiler warnings were prompted by including "libtcod.hpp". At first glance the functionality would appear to be quite impressive, although the implementation appears a little intimidating to someone at my (low) level of C++ 'expertise'.
I am going to go ahead and see how far I can get with this library. I'll update later when I have more to report.