Improved Shadowcasting in Java

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Revision as of 00:17, 6 August 2013 by Deej (talk | contribs) (added article showing short simplified shadowcasting)
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This Shadowcasting algorithm is from SquidLib by Eben Howard.

It features a shortened form of the standard recursive algorithm with easy to read notation.

The Direction.DIAGONALS that is referred to is a list of x and y offsets, which is all combinations of plus and minus 1.

The RadiusStrategy is an strategy pattern class that allows alternate radius calculations to be used. This allows for circular, square, diamond, or any custom formula for radius.

* Calculates the Field Of View for the provided map from the given x, y
* coordinates. Returns a lightmap for a result where the values represent a
* percentage of fully lit.
* A value equal to or below 0 means that cell is not in the
* field of view, whereas a value equal to or above 1 means that cell is
* in the field of view.
* @param resistanceMap the grid of cells to calculate on where 0 is transparent and 1 is opaque
* @param startx the horizontal component of the starting location
* @param starty the vertical component of the starting location
* @param force the power of the ray
* @param decay how much the light is reduced for each whole integer step in distance
* @param radiusStrategy provides a means to calculate the radius as desired
* @return the computed light grid
public float[][] calculateFOV(float[][] resistanceMap, int startx, int starty, float force, float decay, RadiusStrategy rStrat) {
    this.startx = startx;
    this.starty = starty;
    this.force = force;
    this.decay = decay;
    this.rStrat = rStrat;
    this.resistanceMap = resistanceMap;

    width = resistanceMap.length;
    height = resistanceMap[0].length;
    lightMap = new float[width][height];
    radius = (force / decay);

    lightMap[startx][starty] = force;//light the starting cell
    for (Direction d : Direction.DIAGONALS) {
        castLight(1, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0, d.deltaX, d.deltaY, 0);
        castLight(1, 1.0f, 0.0f, d.deltaX, 0, 0, d.deltaY);

    return lightMap;

private void castLight(int row, float start, float end, int xx, int xy, int yx, int yy) {
    float newStart = 0.0f;
    if (start < end) {
    boolean blocked = false;
    for (int distance = row; distance <= radius && !blocked; distance++) {
        int deltaY = -distance;
        for (int deltaX = -distance; deltaX <= 0; deltaX++) {
            int currentX = startx + deltaX * xx + deltaY * xy;
            int currentY = starty + deltaX * yx + deltaY * yy;
            float leftSlope = (deltaX - 0.5f) / (deltaY + 0.5f);
            float rightSlope = (deltaX + 0.5f) / (deltaY - 0.5f);

            if (!(currentX >= 0 && currentY >= 0 && currentX < this.width && currentY < this.height) || start < rightSlope) {
            } else if (end > leftSlope) {

            //check if it's within the lightable area and light if needed
            if (rStrat.radius(deltaX, deltaY) <= radius) {
                float bright = (float) (1 - (decay * rStrat.radius(deltaX, deltaY) / force));
                lightMap[currentX][currentY] = bright;

            if (blocked) { //previous cell was a blocking one
                if (resistanceMap[currentX][currentY] >= 1) {//hit a wall
                    newStart = rightSlope;
                } else {
                    blocked = false;
                    start = newStart;
            } else {
                if (resistanceMap[currentX][currentY] >= 1 && distance < radius) {//hit a wall within sight line
                    blocked = true;
                    castLight(distance + 1, start, leftSlope, xx, xy, yx, yy);
                    newStart = rightSlope;