Revision as of 15:45, 19 January 2014 by Plomlompom (talk | contribs)
I'm a newbie to roguelikes. I tried out NetHack many years ago for an hour or so before being frightened away by the interface. A friend of mine last year (2013) introduced me to CataclysmDDA, and I quickly got addicted to it.
Then I found this wiki and stumbled upon How to Write a Roguelike in 15 Steps. I was unable to resist the urge to follow those steps. Now, I'm trying to improve my C skills by writing my own roguelike (from scratch, only using the standard libraries and ncurses): It's still much too primitive to merit its own page on this wiki; it's basically a programming exercise. I'm getting ahead very slowly, but I have ambitious long-term plans :)