Permissive Field of View in Javascript
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/** Compute the field of view from (ox, oy) out to radius r. */ function fieldOfView(ox, oy, r, visit, blocked) { visit(ox, oy); // origin always visited. function quadrant(dx, dy) { var light = new Light(r); for (var dr = 1; dr <= r; dr += 1) { for (var i = 0; i <= dr; i++) { // Check for light hitting this cell. var cell = new Pt(dr - i, i), arc = light.hits(cell); if (!arc) { continue; } // unlit // Show the lit cell, check if blocking. var ax = ox + cell.x * dx, ay = oy + cell.y * dy; visit(ax, ay); if (!blocked(ax, ay)) { continue; } // unblocked // Blocking cells cast shadows. if (!light.shade(arc, cell)) { return; } // no more light } } } quadrant(-1, +1); quadrant(+1, +1); quadrant(-1, -1); quadrant(+1, -1); } /** Helper methods for points. */ function Pt(x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } Pt.prototype.toString = function() { return '(' + this.x + ',' + this.y + ')'; } Pt.prototype.copy = function() { return new Pt(this.x, this.y); } /** Helper methods for lines. */ function Ln(p, q) { this.p = p; this.q = q; } Ln.prototype.toString = function() { return this.p + '-' + this.q; } Ln.prototype.copy = function() { return new Ln(this.p.copy(), this.q.copy()); } = function(pt) { return this.dtheta(pt) > 0; } Ln.prototype.ccw = function(pt) { return this.dtheta(pt) < 0; } Ln.prototype.dtheta = function(pt) { var theta = Math.atan2(this.q.y - this.p.y, this.q.x - this.p.x), other = Math.atan2(pt.y - this.p.y, pt.x - this.p.x), dt = other - theta; return ((dt > -Math.PI) ? dt : (dt + 2 * Math.PI)).toFixed(5); } /** Helper methods for arcs. */ function Arc(steep, shallow) { this.steep = steep; this.shallow = shallow; this.steepbumps = []; this.shallowbumps = []; } Arc.prototype.toString = function() { return '[' + this.steep + ' : ' + this.shallow + ']'; } Arc.prototype.copy = function() { var c = new Arc(this.steep.copy(), this.shallow.copy()); for (i in this.steepbumps) { c.steepbumps.push(this.steepbumps[i].copy()); } for (i in this.shallowbumps) { c.shallowbumps.push(this.shallowbumps[i].copy()); } return c; } Arc.prototype.hits = function(pt) { return (this.steep.ccw(new Pt(pt.x + 1, pt.y)) && Pt(pt.x, pt.y + 1))); } /** Bump this arc clockwise (a steep bump). */ Arc.prototype.bumpCW = function(pt) { // Steep bump. var sb = new Pt(pt.x + 1, pt.y); this.steepbumps.push(sb); this.steep.q = sb; for (var i in this.shallowbumps) { var b = this.shallowbumps[i]; if ( { this.steep.p = b; } } } /** Bump this arc counterclockwise (a shallow bump). */ Arc.prototype.bumpCCW = function(pt) { var sb = new Pt(pt.x, pt.y + 1); this.shallowbumps.push(sb); this.shallow.q = sb; for (var i in this.steepbumps) { var b = this.steepbumps[i]; if (this.shallow.ccw(b)) { this.shallow.p = b; } } } Arc.prototype.shade = function(pt) { var steepBlock = Pt(pt.x, pt.y + 1)), shallowBlock = this.shallow.ccw(new Pt(pt.x + 1, pt.y)); if (steepBlock && shallowBlock) { // Completely blocks this arc. return []; } else if (steepBlock) { // Steep bump. this.bumpCW(pt); return [this]; } else if (shallowBlock) { // Shallow bump. this.bumpCCW(pt); return [this]; } else { // Splits this arc in twain. var a = this.copy(), b = this.copy(); a.bumpCW(pt); b.bumpCCW(pt); return [a, b]; } } /** Helper methods for a collection of arcs covering a quadrant. */ function Light(radius) { var wide = new Arc( new Ln(new Pt(1, 0), new Pt(0, radius)), new Ln(new Pt(0, 1), new Pt(radius, 0))); this.arcs = [wide]; } Light.prototype.hits = function(pt) { for (var i in this.arcs) { // Cannot just return i, in case it's zero. if (this.arcs[i].hits(pt)) { return { i: i }; } } return false; } Light.prototype.shade = function(arci, pt) { var arc = this.arcs[arci.i], splice = this.arcs.splice; // Shade the arc with this point, replace it with new arcs (or none). splice.apply(this.arcs, [arci.i, 1].concat(arc.shade(pt))); return this.arcs.length > 0; }