Talk:Permissive Field of View

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Bug report

Ran some tests using the implementation from Roguelike Library For Java. It's very fast and I like how it looks. Found a "bug" tho. Generated random 40x40 maps filled with about 20% walls, around 1% of the checks didn't respect symmetry. I narrowed it down on a 5x5 map:

map report


(3,4) -> (0,2) : false
(0,2) -> (3,4) : true

(4,0) -> (1,4) : true
(1,4) -> (4,0) : false

(4,4) -> (0,1) : true
(0,1) -> (4,4) : false

(1,2) -> (4,4) : false
(4,4) -> (1,2) : true

On a similar note, gave shadow casting from the same library a try as well. It's a lot slower and crashes when range is too wide (like (0, 0) -> (35, 35)) because of recursivity (call stack). I didn't find how to contact the author yet. --Lulero 17:25, 18 December 2011 (GMT+1)