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- .NET Framework
- .NET Framework 3.5
- 100LEVEL
- 100 Heroes
- 100 Rogues
- 1985
- 1990
- 1DRL Challenge, December 2011
- 1DRL Challenge 2011
- 1Quest
- 2005 Out of Challenge 7DRLs
- 2006 Out of Challenge 7DRLs
- 2008 Out of Challenge 7DRLs
- 2009 Out of Challenge 7DRLs
- 2010 ARRP
- 2010 Out of Challenge 7DRLs
- 2011 ARRP
- 2012 ARRP
- 2013 ARRP
- 2015 ARRP
- 2016 ARRP
- 2017 ARRP
- 2DRL in 2K
- 2D Room system architecture
- 3059
- 3069
- 3079
- 3089
- 3D
- 3dascii
- 4DRL
- 4DRL Contest 2010
- 7DRL
- 7DRL Celebration 2021 at Roguetemple
- 7DRL Challenge 2012
- 7DRL Challenge 2013
- 7DRL Challenge 2014
- 7DRL Challenge 2015
- 7DRL Challenge 2016
- 7DRL Challenge 2017
- 7DRL Challenge 2018
- 7DRL Challenge 2019
- 7DRL Challenge 2020
- 7DRL Challenge 2021
- 7DRL Challenge 2022
- 7DRL Challenge 2023
- 7DRL Challenge 2024
- 7DRL Contest 2005
- 7DRL Contest 2006
- 7DRL Contest 2007
- 7DRL Contest 2008
- 7DRL Contest 2009
- 7DRL Contest 2010
- 7DRL Contest 2011
- 7DRL Contest 2011 Reviews
- 7DRL Contest 2012
- 7DRL Voting Specification
- 7DRLs made out of challenge
- 7dRL Contest 2011 Reviews
- 88 Pages
- 8rogue
- 91
- @
- @Star Wars
- @ Play
- AGB Hack
- AGB Rogue
- AGOW Changelog
- AMoria
- ARMcore
- AS3
- ASCII-Render Tree for Layouting in Dart
- ASCII Quest
- A Better Monster AI
- A Bucket Of LOS
- A False Saint, An Honest Rogue
- A False Saint An Honest Rogue
- A Journey to Hell
- A Little Anxious When It's Dark
- A Python 3 and 2 Pathfinder with Pygame Example
- A Quest Too Far
- A Scoundrel in the Underlair
- A Simple Dungeon Generator for Python 2 or 3
- A list of all roguelike games
- A list of monster attack effects
- A priority queue based turn scheduling system
- A simple turn scheduling system -- Python implementation
- AarrrRL
- Aave
- Abstract Dungeons
- Abura Tan
- Acid
- ActionScript
- ActionScript 3
- Ada
- Adam Gatt
- Adeo
- Adom
- Advanced Rogue
- Adventure
- Adventure Labyrinth Story
- Adventurer
- Agduria
- Aging Minotaur
- Alan's Psychedelic Journey
- Albion
- Alchemist
- Alex Angband
- Alexs2112
- Ali the Android
- Alice in wonderland
- Alienhack
- AliensRL
- Allure
- Allure of the Stars
- Alone
- AloneRL
- Alpha
- Alpha Projects
- Alpha projects
- Alphaman
- Alternatives to Permadeath
- An Alternative Scent Implementation
- An Efficient Observation Algorithm
- An Implementation of City Generation by Leaf Venation
- An elegant time-management system for roguelikes
- Anachronistic
- Ananias
- AnathemaRL
- Ancient Cave
- Ancient iron knight
- Andranor
- Andrew Doull
- Android
- Andy
- Andy Driver
- Andy M
- AngBand
- Angador
- Angband
- Angband/64
- Angband/65
- Angband/65\Compiling
- Angband64
- Angband65
- AngbandTK
- Angband competition
- Angband for PSP
- Angband variants
- Angband version history
- Angel
- Anime Angband
- Anonymous Roguelike
- Another Quest
- Another Visit in Hell
- Another version of BLA
- Anoxic Depths
- Anoxic Depths: Caves of the Yendori
- Ant
- Anti-Deratization
- Anticipating wall-following pathfinder
- Antoine
- Approaching Infinity
- Aquarium Arena
- Arcan Myth RL
- ArchiveRL
- ArenaRL
- Arkytoothis
- Armor
- Armour
- Armoured Commander
- Armoured Commander II
- Articles
- Artifact
- Artisan
- Ascension
- Ascension of the Drillworms
- Ascension the Lost Horizon
- AscentRL
- Ascii
- AsciiConvert
- AsciiEdit
- AsciiPanelWindowingToolkit
- Ascii Dash
- Ascii Dreams
- Ascii Sector
- Ascii Wilderness
- Ash of Time
- Aspects of playing
- Assault Fish
- Asterogue
- Astral Earth
- AsylumRL
- Asylum Escape
- Atharus
- Atinar
- Atlas Warriors
- AtomicRogue
- Atrogue
- Attack The Geth
- Attribute
- Attributes
- Aurora
- Austin Wilburn
- Avanor
- Avanor:Reviews
- Avanor:Reviews:Ben Power
- Avendesora
- Axes, Armour & Ale
- Axu
- BAngband
- BOSS library
- Backwards Gravity
- Bad Transaction
- Band
- Bandlike
- Bandobras
- Bardess
- Barry
- BasiEgaXorz
- Basic
- Basic BSP Dungeon generation
- Basic directional dungeon generation
- Battle Weary
- Battlement
- Bay 12 Games
- Bcx Basic
- BearLibTerminal
- Beggar
- Beltham's Lair
- Ben Hemmendinger
- Beneath Apple Manor
- Berlin Interpretation
- Berserk!
- Bessarion's Vicious Orcs Tactical Notes
- Beta
- Beta Projects
- Beta projects
- Beware of Strange Warp Points
- Beyond
- Beyond the Light
- Big List of RPG Plots
- Bisbee's Escape
- Bisby's Escape
- Bistonian Studios
- Bjorn Bergstrom
- Björn Bergström
- Blacken
- Blast Tactics
- BlickPort
- Blindness
- Block Rogue
- Body armor
- Bomberogue
- Bone to be Wild
- Boohu
- Book
- Book Hunter
- Boost
- BootRogue
- Boots
- Bounty Hunter Space Lizard
- Bresenham's Line Algorithm
- Breshenham's Line Algorithm
- Brigand
- Brog
- Brogue
- Brogue CE
- Brogue Community Edition
- Broken Bottle
- Broken Rogue
- Bronze and Faith
- Browser
- Bug
- Bug Report
- Buntlys Quest
- Buub0nik
- ByteZ
- C
- C++
- C++ Example of Dungeon-Building Algorithm
- C++ shadowcasting implementation
- C-Sharp Example of Dungeon-Building Algorithm
- C-sharp
- C:\raft
- CRogue
- CSharp
- CSharp Example of a Dungeon-Building Algorithm
- C Sharp
- C plus plus
- C programming language
- CalcRogue
- Camera View, Rotate, Trim and Pad a Map in Dart
- Cap
- Caravan
- Carceri
- Cardinal Quest
- Cardinal Quest II
- Casino
- Castle Dungeon
- Castle of the Winds
- Castle of the Winds Online
- CastlevaniaRL
- CastlevaniaRL:Prelude
- Cat
- Cat and the hack Angband
- Cataclysm
- Cataclysm: Bright Nights
- CataclysmDDA
- Cataclysm of Chaos
- Catacombs of the Soulthief
- Categories
- Cave Chop
- Cave Orphan
- Cave Santa
- Cave of Epokothar
- Cavern
- Caverns of Underkeep
- Caverns of Xaskazien
- Caverns of Xaskazien II
- CavesOf
- Caves of Golorp
- Caves of Qud
- Cellular Automata