Difference between revisions of "Developers"

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(238 intermediate revisions by more than 100 users not shown)
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This is an alphabetical list of roguelike '''developers''', ordered by last name when they've got one, or by nickname.
This is an alphabetical list of roguelike '''developers''', ordered by last name when they've got one, or by nickname.
You can also find info about developers and their projects at [[The Roguelike World Map]]. See also: [[:Category:Developers]].
{| id="toc" border="0"
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! {{MediaWiki:Toc}}:
! {{MediaWiki:Toc}}:
| [[#0-9|0-9]] [[#A|A]] [[#B|B]] [[#C|C]] [[#D|D]] [[#E|E]] [[#F|F]] [[#G|G]] [[#H|H]] [[#I|I]] [[#J|J]] [[#K|K]] [[#L|L]] [[#M|M]] [[#N|N]] [[#O|O]] [[#P|P]] [[#Q|Q]] [[#R|R]] [[#S|S]] [[#T|T]] [[#U|U]] [[#V|V]] [[#W|W]] [[#X|X]] [[#Y|Y]] [[#Z|Z]]<br />
| [[#0-9|0-9]] [[#A|A]] [[#B|B]] [[#C|C]] [[#D|D]] [[#E|E]] [[#F|F]] [[#G|G]] [[#H|H]] [[#I|I]] [[#J|J]] [[#K|K]] [[#L|L]] [[#M|M]] [[#N|N]] [[#O|O]] [[#P|P]] [[#Q|Q]] [[#R|R]] [[#S|S]] [[#T|T]] [[#U|U]] [[#V|V]] [[#W|W]] [[#X|X]] [[#Y|Y]] [[#Z|Z]]
[[#Related topics|Related topics]]
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=== A ===
=== A ===
* [[ABCGi]] (''[[Beyond]]'')
* [[ABCGi]] (''[[Beyond]]'')
* [[Alexs2112]] (''[[Sunstorm]]'')
* [[Ashiz Alibhai]]
* [[Ashiz Alibhai]]
* [[Antoine]] (''[[Guild]]'')
* [[User:RylandAlmanza|Ryland Rene Taylor-Almanza]] (''[[Friends of Yendor]]'')
* [[WILLRAMAN | will aman]] (''[[Legacy_of_a_Warlord]]'')
* [[Mike Anderson]] (''[[Tyrant]]'')
* [[Antoine]] (''[[Guild]]'', ''[[Quickband]]'', ''[[IronBand]]'')
* [[Ken Arnold]] (''[[Rogue]]'')
* [[Ken Arnold]] (''[[Rogue]]'')
* [[Andy Astrand]] (''[[Angband]]'')
* [[Andy Astrand]] (''[[Angband]]'')
* [[Erik Aronesty]] (''[[rll.pm]]'')
* [[Atharus]] (''[[Khaotica]]'')
* [[User:atrodo|atrodo]] (''[[Hordes of Tarshish]]'')
* [[Auric__]] ("???")
* [[Andy]] ("???")

=== B ===
=== B ===
* [[Thomas Biskup]] (''[[ADOM]]'')
* [[Bay 12 Games]] (''[[Dwarf Fortress]]'')
* [[Björn Bergström]] (''[[Dweller]]'')
* [[Bjorn Bergstrom]] (''[[Dweller]]'')
* [[Michal Bielinski]] (''[[PRIME]]'')
* [[Thomas Biskup]] (''[[ADOM]]'', ''[[Grog]]'', ''[[UltimateADOM]]'')
* [[Eric Bock]] (''[[Rangband]]'', ''[[Zceband]]'')
* [[Eric Bock]] (''[[Rangband]]'', ''[[Zceband]]'')
* [[Brigand]] (''[[Lords of DarkHall]]'')
* [[D. Brodale]]
* [[D. Brodale]]
* [[Laurence Brothers]] (''[[Omega]]'')
* [[Sean Brown]] ([[Middlecrest]])
* [[Ryan Boyd]] ([[Chambers RL]])
* [[Bowkenken]] (''[[Labyrinths and Legends]]'')
* [[User:Bulrush|Bulrush]] (''[[EZ-Rogue]]'')

=== C ===
=== C ===
* [[copx]] (''[[Tower of Doom]]'')
* [[Rick Clark]] (''[[Escape From Lab 42]]'')
* [[copx]] (''[[Warp Rogue]]'')
* [[Phil Cordier]] (''[[Ularn]]'')
* [[corremn]] (''[[Warlock's Mountain]]'', ''[[SewerJacks]]'')
* [[Crow]] (''[[Voyage to Farland]]'')
* [[Alex Cutler]] (''[[Angband]]'')
* [[Alex Cutler]] (''[[Angband]]'')
* [[Chiguireitor]] (''[[Ganymede Gate]]'')

=== D ===
=== D ===
* [[User:Dabreegster|Da-Breegster]] (''[[MnemonicRL]]'')
* [[User:Daggerbot|Daggerbot]] (''[[Tale of Arcana]]'')
* [[DangerMomentum]] (''[[Roggle]]'')
* [[DarklingWolf|The Darkling Wolf]] (''[[CataclysmDDA|Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead]]'')
* [[User:DarklordMogrithe|DarklordMogrithe]] (''[[EverSector]]'')
* [[User:Dathgale|Dathgale]] (''[[Battlement]]'')
* [[David Damerell]]
* [[David Damerell]]
* [[DarkGod]] (''[[ToME]]'', ''[[ToMENET]]'', ''[[T-Engine]]'')
* [[David Grabiner]] (''[[UMoria]]'')
* [[User:Darwin|David Melik]] (many SlackBuilds)
* [[DarkGod]] (''[[PernAngband]]'', ''[[Tales of Maj'Eyal]]'', ''[[Tales of Middle Earth]]'', ''[[ToMENET]]'', ''[[T-Engine]]'', ''[[ODE]]'', ''[[Bone to be Wild]]'')
* [[Ddragoon]]
* [[Ddragoon]]
* [[Destroysound]]
* [[Eric Dexter]] (''[[Land of cigo]]'')
* [[Jakub Debski]] (''[[Xenocide]]'', ''[http://www.alamak0ta.republika.pl/br-win.zip Bomberrogue]'')
* [[Jakub Debski]] (''[[Xenocide]]'', ''[http://www.alamak0ta.republika.pl/br-win.zip Bomberrogue]'')
* [[The Deliantra Development Team]] (''[[Deliantra]]'')
* [[The DevTeam]] (''[[NetHack]]'')
* [[The DevTeam]] (''[[NetHack]]'')
* [[Ray Dillinger]]
* [[Ray Dillinger]]
* [[Joseph William Dixon]] (''[[Gumband]]'')
* [[Joseph William Dixon]] (''[[Gumband]]'')
* [[Mario Donick]] (''[[LambdaRogue]]'')
* [[DopeD]] (''[[DoppeRogue]]''))
* [[Andrew Doull]] (''[[UnAngband]]'')
* [[Andy Driver]] (''[[JRR]]'')
* [[Andy Driver]] (''[[JRR]]'')
* [[User:256|Frank Duff]] (''[[IfRL]]'', ''[[Daybreak RL]]'')

=== E ===
=== E ===
* [[Elbin]] (''[[Artisan]]'')
* [[radleldar]] (''[[Heroic Age: the Roguelike]], [[Wizard Chess 7DRL]]'')
* [[Elig]] (''[[TinyCurses]]'', ''[[Backwards Gravity]]'')
* [[Eniko]] (''[[MidBoss]]'')
* [[Eyenot]] (''[[Kobold Mines]]'')

=== F ===
=== F ===
* [[Fernando Aires Castello]] (''[[Rhye's Quest]]'')
* [[Flend]] (''[[DDRogue]]'', ''[[PrincessRL]]'', ''[[ZigClimb]]'')
* [[Foumart]] (''[[Dungeon Screener]]'')

=== G ===
=== G ===
* [[Gamer_2k4]] (''[[Labyrinth of Reptoran]]'',''[[Magic Monsters]]'')
* [[David Gentle]]
* [[David Gentle]]
* [[Josh Ge]] (''[[X@COM]]'')
* [[Stu George]] (''[[Cracks and Crevices]]'',''[[UnderDark]]'', ''[[Tomb of Rawdin]]'')
* [[German Wachnitz]] (''[[Rogue Empire]]'')
* [[gerryq]] (''[[Lair of the Demon Ape]]'')
* [[User:Pratyeka|globalcitizen]] (''[[Zomia]]'')
* [[Glowie]] (''[[Frozen Depths]]'')
* [[Gnovahex]] (''[[First Paradise]]'')
* [[User:Darren Grey|Darren Grey]] (''[[Gruesome]]'', ''[[Toby the Trapper]]'', ''[[UNSTOPPABLE]]'', ''[[Broken Bottle]]'')

=== H ===
=== H ===
* [[Ben Harrison]] (''[[Angband]]'')
* [[Ben Harrison]] (''[[Angband]]'')
* [[R Dan Henry]] (''[[Dangband]]'', ''[[Gumband]]'', ''Prototype'')
* [[Simen Endsj? Haugen]]
* [[Ben Hemmendinger]] (''[[Wayfarer]]'')
* [[R Dan Henry]] (''[[Dangband]]'', ''[[Gumband]]'', ''[[Prototype]]'')
* [[Linley Henzell]] (''[[Crawl]]'')
* [[Linley Henzell]] (''[[Crawl]]'')
* [[Heroic Adventure]]
* [[Joseph Hewitt]] (''[[DeadCold]]'', ''[[Dungeon Monkey]], ''[[GearHead]]'', ''[[GearHead 2]]'')
* [[Joseph Hewitt]] (''[[DeadCold]]'', ''[[Dungeon Monkey]], ''[[GearHead]]'', ''[[GearHead 2]]'')
* [[Geoff Hill]] (''[[Angband]]'')
* [[Geoff Hill]] (''[[Angband]]'')
* [[Kevin Hill]] (''[[Rogue Touch]]'',''Spirit Hunter Mineko'')
* [[hmp]] (''[[Madness]]'')
* [[Mark 'Kamikaze' Hughes]] (''[[Noctyr]]'')
* [[Mark 'Kamikaze' Hughes]] (''[[Noctyr]]'')
* [[Simen Endsj? Haugen]]
* [[Jude Hungerford]] [http://arid.sourceforge.net (ARID)]
* [[Herbert Wolverson]]

=== I ===
=== I ===
* [[I_Own_The_Letter_O]] (RogueScape)
* [[IBOL]] (''[[Random Realms]], [[The Well Of Enchantments]], [[Destiny Of Heroes]], [[Grail Of The Gods]]'')
* [[Ido]] (''[[CaveRover]], [[CryptRover]], [[Fruits of the Forest]]'', ''[[A Most Peculiar Adventure]]''.)
* [[iks]] (''[[XAngband]],[[TinyAngband]],[[Hengband]]''.)
* [[User:Iniquitatis|Iniquitatis]] (''[[Zero-Player Game]]'', ''[[Unnamed RL]]'')
* [[User:Integer_Man|Integer Man]] (''[[Emergence]]'')

=== J ===
=== J ===
* [[Jab]] (''[[Bilebio]]'')
* [[User:Jan|Jan]] (''[[rng clrc]]'')
* [[User:jacoo|Jason Coombes]] (''[[SurviveRL]]'')
* Kevin James (Pointless) (''[[MetaCollider]]'')
* Jason Greenwood (ZebulonPi) (''[[Delve]]'')
* [[User:LordKaT|Jason Pullara]] (''[[RogueCraft]]'')
* [[Jeremy Vight]] (''[[3059]]'', ''[[3069]]'')
* [[JimmyB]] (or [[jimrandomh]]) (''[[CalcRogue]]'')
* [[JimmyB]] (or [[jimrandomh]]) (''[[CalcRogue]]'')
* [[John Shedletsky]] (''[[Witherwyn: Adventures in the Infinite Realm]]'')
* [[User:Jlund3|Jeff Lund]] (''[[Ruin]]'')
* [[UltimaRatioRegum|Mark Johnson]] (''[[Ultima Ratio Regum]]'')
* [[User:Jolly Roger|Jolly Roger]] (''[[Fall From Heaven]] 0.0.6.''))

=== K ===
=== K ===
* [[Kevingranade]] (''[[CataclysmDDA]]'')
* [[Knight]] (''[[Saege]]'')
* [[konijn]]
* [[konijn]]
* [[Kornel Kisielewicz]] (''[[Carceri]]'', ''[[DiabloRL]], ''[[DoomRL]], ''[[GenRogue]])
* [[Kornel Kisielewicz]] (''[[Carceri]]'', ''[[DiabloRL]]'', ''[[DoomRL]]'', ''[[GenRogue]]'', ''[[Berserk!]]'')
* [[Kosina Zoltan]] (''[[Rot Magus]]'', ''[[SpectRL]]'', ''[[Emmanuel de Rouge and the Amulet of Quetzalcoatl]]'')
* [[Robert Alan Koeneke]] (''[[VMS Moria]]'')
* [[Robert Alan Koeneke]] (''[[VMS Moria]]'')
* [[Kostatus]]
* [[Kostatus]]
* [[Krice]]
* [[Mike Kramlich]] (''[[Dead By Zombie]]'')
* [[Gero Kunter]] (''[[Shuruppak]]'')
* [[Gero Kunter]] (''[[Shuruppak]]'')
* [[Kyzrati]] (''[[X@COM]]'', ''[[Cogmind]]'')
* [[User:Kraflab|Kraflab]] (''[[Epilogue]]'')

=== L ===
=== L ===
* [[Jeff Lait]] (''[[POWDER]]'', ''[[You Only Live Once]]'')
* [[Jeff Lait]] (''[[POWDER]]'', ''[[You Only Live Once]]'', ''[[Letter Hunt]]'')
* [[LeonTorres]]
* [[LeonTorres]]
* [[Julian Lighton]] (''[[Angband]]'')
* [[Daniel Lower]] (''[[MathRL|Math: The Roguelike]]'')
* [[Lambda Six]] (''[https://github.com/LambdaSix/RenderLike RenderLike]'', ''[https://github.com/LambdaSix/InfiniMap InfiniMap]'')
* [[Mr. L]]

=== M ===
=== M ===
* [[Sami Maaranen]] (''[[UnReal World]]'')
* [[Colin MacIntyre]] (''[[Caravan]]'')
* [[magikmw]]
* [[Hansjoerg Malthener]] (''[[H-World]]'')
* [[Hansjoerg Malthener]] (''[[H-World]]'')
* [[Leon Marrick]] (''[[Oangband]]'')
* [[Leon Marrick]] (''[[Oangband]]'', ''[[Sangband]]'')
* [[Sean Marsh]] (''[[Angband]]'')
* [[Sean Marsh]] (''[[Angband]]'')
* [[Gary D. McAdoo]] (''[[VMS Moria]]'')
* [[Gary D. McAdoo]] (''[[VMS Moria]]'')
* [[Dan Mc Grath]] (''[[Asylum Escape]]'')
* [[Julian Mensch]] (''[[Incursion]]'')
* [[User:Mindiell|Mindiell]] (''[[Haja's caves]]'')
* [[User:Dominikmarczuk|Mingos]]
* [[R. Alan Monroe]]
* [[R. Alan Monroe]]
* [[Noah Morgan]] (''[[Larn]]'')
* [[Michanikos]] (''Unknown'')

=== N ===
=== N ===
* [[User:5v3nd0ttg|Nathaniel Inman]]
* [[Mark A. Nicolosi]] ("I've finally got a little '@' walking around the screen")
* [[Mark A. Nicolosi]] ("I've finally got a little '@' walking around the screen")
* [[NIm]]
* [[NIm]]
* [[Nolithius|Ebyan "Nolithius" Alvarez-Buylla]] (''[[Dance of Death]]'', ''[[Chronophase]]'', ''[[The Adventurer's Guild]]'')
* [[User:Neunon|Steven Noonan]]

=== O ===
=== O ===

=== P ===
=== P ===
* [[User:Zerobandwidth | Pasha Paterson]] (''[[Zerogue]]'')
* [[Krice | Paul 'Krice' Pekkarinen]] (''[[Kaduria]]'', ''[[Teemu]]'')
* [[Pfhoenix]] (''[[Adeo]]'')
* [[Pfhoenix]] (''[[Adeo]]'')
* [[User:plomlompom | plomlompom]] (''[[Please the Island God]]'')
* [[AlexPomeranz | Alex Pomeranz]] (''[[Subterrane]]'')
* [[Timothy Pruett]] (''[[HotelRL]]'', ''[[Necropolis]]'')
* [[Pteriforever]] (''[[XirrelaiRPG]]'', ''[[World of Tey]]'')
* [[Walter Pullen]] (''[[Dragonslayer]]'', ''[[Hunger Games|The Hunger Games]]'', ''[[Grippy Socks]]'', ''[[Jareth's Labyrinth]]'')
* [[purpleflayer]] (''[[chickhack]]'')

=== Q ===
=== Q ===
* [[Qbert911]] (''[[PrinceVSZombies]]'')
* [[QJaxun]] (''[[Descension]]'')

=== R ===
=== R ===
* [[Martin Read]] (''[[Martin's Dungeon Bash]]'')
* [[Martin Read]] (''[[Martin's Dungeon Bash]]'', ''[[Cave Chop]]'')
* [[Rya Reisender]] (''[[Rogue Planets]]'')
* [[Chris Reuter]] (''[[Quest for Pants]]'', entry for [[the 7DRL Contest]])
* [[Chris Reuter]] (''[[Quest for Pants]]'', entry for [[the 7DRL Contest]])
* [[Brent Richie]]
* [[Brent Richie]]
* [[Mike Riley]] (''[[The Land]]'', ''[[Quest for the Unicorn]]'')
* [[Robert Ruehlmann]] (''[[Angband]]'')
* [[Robert Ruehlmann]] (''[[Angband]]'')
* [[Robson]] (''[[War of Wizards]]'', ''[[Numbers]]'')
* [[User:Vaughn|Vaughn Royko]] (''[[Wayward]]'')
* [[User:Redpillgames|RedPill Games]]

=== S ===
=== S ===
* [[User:Scautura|Scautura]] (''[[CyberRogue]]'')
* [[Anthony Sequitar]]
* [[Anthony Sequitar]]
* [[Tom Seufert]] (''[[SimpleGame]]'')
* [[Tom Seufert]] (''[[SimpleGame]]'')
* [[Darshan Shaligram]] (''[[Crawl]]'' patches)
* [[Timofei Shatrov]] (''[[The Rougelike]]'', ''[[The Sewer Massacre]]'')
* [[John Shedletsky]] (''[[Witherwyn: Adventures in the Infinite Realm]]'')
* [[The Sheep]] (''[[Z-Day]]'')
* [[The Sheep]] (''[[Z-Day]]'')
* [[ShockFrost]]
* [[ShockFrost]]
* [[Gravecat|Tom "Gravecat" Simmons]] (''[[SUDD]]'')
* [[User:Erenan|Luke Simpson]] (''[[Uushuvud]]'')
* [[Slash]] (''[[CastlevaniaRL]]'', ''[[Mt. Drash: the Roguelike]]'', ''[[Guardian Angel]]'', ''[[MetroidRL]]'', ''[[ZeldaRL]]'')
* [[Sock Puppet]] (''[[Ascii Dash]]'', ''[[Alienhack]]'')
* [[Larry Smith]]
* [[Larry Smith]]
* [[Mike Stephenson]] (original ''[[NetHack]]'')
* [[Steve Segreto]] (''[[ADND]]'')
* [[Jim Strathmeyer]]
* [[Jim Strathmeyer]]
* [[Charles Swiger]] (''[[Angband]]'')
* [[Charles Swiger]] (''[[Angband]]'')
* [[SZDev|SZDev-Slash]] (''[[Guardian Angel]]'', ''[[CastlevaniaRL]]'')
* [[Nathan Stoddard]] (''[[Downfall]]'', ''[[RLLib]]'')
* [[Nicholas Spinner]] (''Unknown'')

=== T ===
=== T ===
Line 110: Line 233:
* [[Jimmey Wayne Todd Jr.]] (''[[VMS Moria]]'')
* [[Jimmey Wayne Todd Jr.]] (''[[VMS Moria]]'')
* [[Michael Toy]] (''[[Rogue]]'')
* [[Michael Toy]] (''[[Rogue]]'')
* [[user:tuturto|Tuukka Turto]] (''[[Herculeum]]'')
* [[Twisted One]] (or [[Neo]])
* [[Twisted One]] (or [[Neo]])
* [[Martin Törnqvist]] (''[[Infra Arcana]]'')
* [http://roguebasin.roguelikedevelopment.org/index.php?title=User:Tommket Tommket] (''[[Labyr2]]'')
* [[Trefall]]

=== U ===
=== U ===
* [[Untrustedlife]] (''[[March 15, 1924]], [[Roguelegends]], [[Roguelegends: Dark Realms]]'')

=== V ===
=== V ===
* [[Antonio Vazquez]] (''[[GAME]]'')
* [[Antonio Vazquez]] (''[[GAME]]'')
* [[Crypt | Primault 'Crypt' Vincent]]  (''[[CryptRL]]'')

=== W ===
=== W ===
* [[Amy Wang]]
* [[Amy Wang]]
* [[Watabou]] (''[[Pixel Dungeon]]'')
* [[Kevin Wells]] (''[[Escape from the Master's Lair]], [[Geminum Orbis]]'')
* [[Whales]] (''[[Cataclysm]]'')
* [[Geoffrey White]] (''[[A Quest Too Far]]'')
* [[Glen Wheeler]]
* [[Glen Wheeler]]
* [[Glenn Wichman]] (''[[Rogue]]'')
* [[Glenn Wichman]] (''[[Rogue]], [[The Seven Day Quest]]'')
* [[Michael Widler]], aka Wire_Hall_Medic (''[[QuickHack]], [[Professional Adventurers League]]'')
* [[Ken Wigle]] (''[[Kangband]]'')
* [[Ken Wigle]] (''[[Kangband]]'')
* [[James E. Wilson]] (''[[Umoria]]'')
* [[James E. Wilson]] (''[[Umoria]]'')
* [[Wouter van den Wollenberg]] (''[[Triangle Wizard]]'')
* [[Marcel Woods]] (''[[Roguelike gcs]]'')
* [[Martin Woodward]] (''[[Tombs]]'')
* [[Martin Woodward]] (''[[Tombs]]'')

=== Y ===
=== Y ===
* [[User:Yamamushi|Yamamushi]] (''[[The ASCII Project]]'')
* [[Topi Ylinen]] (''[[Zangband]]'')
* [[Topi Ylinen]] (''[[Zangband]]'')

=== Z ===
=== Z ===
* [[User:zurn|Zurn]] (''[[DungeonRL]]'')
* [[Z]] (''[[Hydra Slayer]]'')
* [[The Zangband Devteam]] (''[[Zangband]]'')
* [[The Zangband Devteam]] (''[[Zangband]]'')
* [[Vasilis Zoumpourlis]]
* [[Vasilis Zoumpourlis]] (''[[Papaki]]'')
* [[User:zzo38|zzo38]] (''[[KING]]'')
* [[User:Zeus3rd|Zeus3rd]] (''[[GhostbustersAscii]]'')

== Related topics ==

Latest revision as of 02:11, 6 December 2024

This is an alphabetical list of roguelike developers, ordered by last name when they've got one, or by nickname.

You can also find info about developers and their projects at The Roguelike World Map. See also: Category:Developers.

Contents: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

The people